Meet Our Team

Our Owners have over 50 years combined experience in Taekwondo

Grandmaster George Dwenger

Grandmaster Dwenger, our 7th Degree Black Belt has been with BTD (Batesville Tool & Die) >20 years, serving as the Quality Leader for over 15 of those years. Grandmaster Dwenger served in the Army with communications for 3 years before following his true passion into martial arts.  After achieving Black Belt rank in Karate, he began his Taekwondo journey.  Grandmaster Dwenger has also trained in Judo and Hapkido, competed in many tournaments, national championships, and was formerly an AAU coach.  Grandmaster Dwenger taught Taekwondo at the YMCA over 25 years, and notes his favorite thing about teaching is making a difference in his student’s lives. 

Master John Beckman

Master Beckman owned Harrison Taekwondo school >13 years.  He is a 5th Degree Black Belt who previously trained under Grandmaster Dwenger after beginning his Taekwondo journey at age 12.  Master Beckman has been with the USPS (United States Postal Service) over 30 years and serves as the Manager of Vehicle Operations, and participates in marathon events as a competitor and simultaneously supports others as a personal trainer.  He loves tournaments for sparring and board breaking, enjoying seeing students grow and learn.  Master Beckman says “(Taekwondo) can help in so many ways to improve mind and body.”

Grandmaster Dwenger's

Awards & Achievements 

Master Beckman's

Awards & Achievements 

Sr. Master Jim Bruns 

Sr. Master Jim Bruns, P.E. is a 6th degree black belt who teaches Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung & Centering Prayer.  In1981 Sr. Master Bruns began his martial arts journey with Hapkido, then Taekwondo before Tai Chi, Iaijutsu (Sword), and Naginata.  Sr. Master Bruns has also served in facilitation of classes and is foundational in Special Forces.  Additionally he facilitated sparring classes and has performed as a tournament referee.  Professionally, he is a civil engineer and has spent >40 years in commercial/institutional construction from the Chicago area and now SE Indiana.  

Sr. Master Bruns loves to share his passion for the martial arts, noting one of his favorite elements is seeing students grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. 

Jon Kuntz

Jon Kuntz directs the Special Forces class and has been a student with Grandmaster Dwenger >10 years also.  Jon has earned his 3rd Degree Black Belt and is a fierce competitor in tournaments, having mastered many weaponry skills.  

Instructors and Assistants

Cassidy Teeters

Cassidy Teeters has been a student of Grandmaster Dwenger >10 years and simultaneously is the S.T.O.R.M. Team Director and one of our Instructors.  She is currently preparing for her 2nd Degree Black Belt.

Zach Frye

Zach Frye is our youngest assistant instructor – but age is not as significant in this environment as experience and passion with an accomplished belt rank of 1st Degree Black Belt.  Zach is pursuing his 2nd Degree, and graciously extends additional assistance for students during Saturday’s Open Floor time.  Zach is also S.T.O.R.M. team's co-captain.

Ethan Anderson

A 1st Degree Black Belt, Ethan is instrumental at including students in extracurricular, team building events away from D & B to further the ‘family’ concept we strive to build. Ethan is one of our S.T.O.R.M. Team Captains along with being an assistant insturctor.        

Core Staff 


Marketing Manager

Scope inclusive of:

Membership payments, pictorial documentation, CTA contact, birthday recognitions, event planning, email/online communications and general assistance with

Merchandise sales, stock, advertising, prayer requests.

A 'hybrid' student with her 1st Degree Black Belt, Cristy is a Quality Engineer professionally in the automotive industry. 


Parental Board Advisor

Scope inclusive of:

Kristina is another proud parent of an Instructor with >10 years of experience. Guiding the team of Parent Board volunteers with event planning, please seize the opportunity to understand the structure of competing in tournaments with her guidance!

Kristina's 'day job' applies her expertise as a physical therapist!  


Janitor / Special Forces Junior Assistant 

Both a 1st Degree Black Belt and our Assistant Lead in Thursday's Special Forces classes, Coleton has found D & B Martial Arts has given him additional structure, stability and self-confidence.

Coleton's 'day job' involves being a highschool student, earning educational recognitions, showing incredible 

speed while 'running the mile', and he is active in the church Youth Group!