Special Forces

Special Forces Class Photo 

One of the things that Grandmaster Dwenger always wanted to do was work with those who have special needs. Jon, who has Down Syndrome, was the first student to take classes with Grandmaster Dwenger. When more individuals with disabilities came a special class was formed - Special Forces!

"When Jon came to his first class, I knew he would be instructing the special needs class one day." ~ Grandmaster Dwenger

Master Beckman had a similar class at his school in Harrison, OH, working primarily with Autistic individuals.  These classes were very special to Grandmaster Dwenger and Master Beckman so it was very important that a similar class would be available from the very beginning of D & B Martial Arts formation.  

Special Forces Class is Thursdays 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Jon's Story 

Jon started taekwondo in December of 2008, he was told what taekwondo was and he said he wanted to be the Blue Power Ranger.  He started classes and has never stopped, he enjoys going to class to learn new things and to help the lower belt students achieve their goals for their next belt.  Jon earned his 1st degree black belt in May of 2013, his 2nd degree in September of 2016 as well as his Associate Instructor certification.  Jon recently became a 3rd degree black belt on May 8, 2021.  He enjoys participating in demos and going to tournaments, whether he wins or not.  He is always sure to congratulate the winners of the events he is in.  Jon works hard and serves as instructor in the Special Forces class.  He never complains or gives up, no matter what the challenge is, and lights up any room when he enters.  Jon is such an inspiration for all the students at D&B Martial Arts.  He always wanted to do the things others did and he found his place and his dream came true, and that is taekwondo.   
